Sheet Music Coat Hooks
Do you love music or know someone who does? Then these hook boards are perfect! We currently have 2 different tunes, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Ode to Joy. These five coat hooks are welded to a steel music staff. The mounting holes are placed 24 inches apart.
Do you love music or know someone who does? Then these hook boards are perfect! We currently have 2 different tunes, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Ode to Joy. These five coat hooks are welded to a steel music staff. The mounting holes are placed 24 inches apart.
Do you love music or know someone who does? Then these hook boards are perfect! We currently have 2 different tunes, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Ode to Joy. These five coat hooks are welded to a steel music staff. The mounting holes are placed 24 inches apart.